




校方给了我们很好的体验空间,带我们参观了大皇宫,佛塔,著名的公园等地方,让我们了解了曼谷的人文.在学校里我们学到了很多东西,如泰拳,泰国舞蹈等,都十分有意思.我很高兴我能认识那么多的泰国朋友,特别是我的朋友Earn,她是一个很好的女孩,而且她会说一些中文,帮了我们很多的忙, 真的很感谢她.在这异国他乡能有这样一个朋友,真的很值得.














The feelings of Thailand

This is the first time I go abroad, and is also the first time I go to Thailand. Bangkok gives me the first impression is we can see green everywhere. There are many trees around the city. The school named WMITS is a pretty school that we will go. In this school, teachers and students are very flame, generosity and interesting. The teachers offer us a good experience to taste many things.  It makes me feel very warm. I am very happy to meet many Thai friends, especially my friend Earn. She is a pretty girl, she can speak a little Chinese, and so she helps us in many times. Thanks her very much! When we stay in the school, I have some class with Earn. Her classmates are very flame and humor. Although we can’t chat with each other very well but we are also friendly. We only have seven days can stay in there, but this week I learn many things and understand m